AF Sourcing Promotional Poster Design

AF Sourcing Promotional Poster Design

AF Sourcing Promotional Poster Design AF Sourcing at the time was a newly launched procurement division of Apartment Furniture. It sources and delivers furniture for those who fit out commercial premises. I created a visual language and design styling to support and...
Korowa School Yearbook Design

Korowa School Yearbook Design

Korowa Girls’ Anglican School Yearbook design, production and finished art A beautiful yearbook design comprising of 112 pages of text and images printed on quality paper and bound with an embossed cover that features silver highlights. Flexible, clean layouts with...
Yarra Capital Partners Corporate Brochure

Yarra Capital Partners Corporate Brochure

Yarra Capital Partners Company Overview Brochure Design   Yarra Capital Partners are a Melbourne based private equity firm specialising in growing small to medium sized businesses. A new brochure design was needed to reflect their personal, family oriented...